In May 2022, the Cape Town Unitarians community approved our Principle Statement at the Annual General Meeting. The process of revising and reclaiming the 7 UUA Principles began in 2021 under the guidance of members Shelley Adams and Melanie Ferreira. The reasoning for the initiative was that CTU as a community had not consciously examined the origins, wording and meaning of the principles and the impact of taking on another culture’s values, however subtle and over a long period of time.

Our Principle Statement

We are a progressive spiritual tradition that recognises our shared communal responsibility for conscious reconciliation within our locality and the global community, who are a part of our history. We also acknowledge our part in the symbiotic connectedness with all human and non-human life with whom we share this planet. As a result:

  1. We support a respectful, diverse and inclusive community that creates a free, safe space to think, believe and act in accordance with our shared and individual values.

  2. Each voice and perspective is inherently invited and welcomed as they carry significance and importance in our decision-making.

  3. We nurture and embrace each other and the community at large as a basis for our continued sustainability and prosperity.

While these values define who we are as a community, it is in living them that we confirm our commitment to each other.